Day 21; Lesson 8

Animal Sketch–February 15th 2013

Objective:    Given a Kids Discover magazine, whole class discussion, and independent work, students will be able to understand one of Lewis and Clark’s contributions to history by reading about what Lewis and Clark documented and drawing their own animal sketch


This lesson’s focus was to get students thinking about journaling in terms of why it is beneficial, especially in Lewis and Clark’s time.  I adapted my lesson from this site: animal encounters

I had students listen to a description of a sage grouse and asked them to try to draw the animal based off of the description. When everyone had a chance to draw, I revealed the animal’s name and picture.

Sage Grouse

Sage Grouse




We talked about how important journaling was back in Lewis and Clark’s time and why they did it. To keep exercising this thought, I had students pick from a list of animals the Lewis and Clark saw and recorded in their journals. Students were to pick an animal, write a short but detailed description (without giving away the name) of the animal, and share it with a partner to try and guess what animal it is.



Later Days and Peace to all ♥

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